Assurance AntiCorruption



All travelers have read stories of these misadventures in Mexico. You only need to browse a bit on travel forums and blogs to read testimonies of fake fine scams from the local police.

The reality is that it is something common in Mexico and does not only target tourists. But it is obvious that because of their purchasing power, the tourist is the most sought after and also the easiest prey. Who would dare to stand up to the police in a foreign country? Even worse in a language that many do not speak.

Whether near the airport (the specialty when you leave) or on the main or secondary roads, there is unfortunately a good chance that you will come across corrupt police officers who will try to supplement their income with your money . The bribes can amount to several hundred Euros.

To respond to this scourge and help our thousands of customers, TouraCancun, French-speaking leader in car rental in Mexico, has created specific and free assistance. You can call one of our operators 24 hours a day, and thanks to our contacts with the local authorities, you will leave without paying any bribe to the police.

This free assistance helps hundreds of customers per month to not have to pay anything to picky police officers. If you would like more details on this new and exclusive service, simply contact us, on FB below, via email: [email protected] or on our WhatsApp: + (52) 999 504 9649.

 Do not let yourself be impressed during an abusive check, you have the right to call us, no law prohibits you from doing so. You can have any passenger call us too.