Essential activities in and around Cancun


Essential activities in and around Cancun


1. Fiesta!

We all agree that it would be a pity to fly all the way to Mexico just to party in Cancun in an American-spring-break ambiance. But the city is well worth a visit and is a gateway to the Yucatan region. Its many clubs will appeal to music lovers of all kinds, and the beaches are among the most beautiful in Mexico.

2. A dream day on Isla Mujeres

A small island off the coast of Cancun, Isla Mujeres is a heavenly spot that offers many ocean-related activities. In addition to sunbathing on its magnificent beaches, you can visit the island by bike or go scuba diving. Besides the MUSA underwater sculpture museum, from June to September, you may have the chance to see impressive whale sharks, which are completely harmless to humans.

3. Museums

They may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Cancun, but it's home to several museums, including a Maya museum that will get you ready to visit some of the region's famous sites, a tequila museum, and a planetarium, where the latest discoveries in modern astronomy coexist with the proud heritage of the indigenous peoples in this field.

4. The Maya ruins of Chichen Itza and Tulum

Two of the world's most famous Maya sites are within reasonable driving distance of Cancun, and can easily be explored on a day trip. At Chichen Itza, the Pyramid of Kukulkan was dedicated to the feathered serpent god of Maya mythology who gave his name to the city of Cancun. Tulum is smaller but a little less crowded in high season. It's particularly notable for its seaside location, which enhances the majesty of the ruins.

5. Cenote diving

In a region with as little natural water supply as the Yucatan, these lakes formed by limestone erosion were vitally important. Many Maya cities were built near cenotes, and today, they are an integral part of the region’s heritage. Some cenotes, such as Cenote Azul near Tulum, are open air because the caves in which they once stood collapsed, while others, such as Dos Ojos, are underground.

6. Fun at Xcaret Park

Near the Maya site of the same name is one of Mexico's most popular amusement parks, where part of the ruins now serves as a backdrop. This ecological park offers a wide range of water-based activities, including an aquarium and cultural events. In the evening, a fascinating show tells the story of the Maya civilization.